British actor Jon Sidgwick about PEM

cache_2449977003British actor Jon Sidgwick, who has worked with the likes of Steven Berkoff and studied with Benedict Cumberbatch at LAMDA, said the following about his experiences with PEM:

“PEM is a fascinating approach, a very delicate, sensitive and gentle approach. It’s truthful, real, also painful – and very quickly you can let go of that. There’s no residue which is great, so as an actor you are more in control. You can access emotions in a richer fashion and you get a sense of ease. Quite powerful emotions are coming out of seemingly very little. You have the control of your acting instrument which is pretty exciting because you can do a lot with that: it can affect the other actor, it can affect the camera and an audience. PEM puts the science behind your acting. It’s infinite what you can do with it. When you do tv or film, you have to do multiple takes to be able to recreate something. In theatre, eight times a week you want to hit the same performance. PEM is something you can rely upon. To know that you can recreate it perfectly without too much stress – to know that it’s there, that’s pretty powerful!”

Jon Sidgwick runs the acting school London Actors Workshop. Please also check out their website for news and events: